Our organic vanilla from Madagascar is mostly purchased green from the smallholders and then professionally fermented and dried at centres run by PREMIUM SPICES. This means it complies with the highest quality standards. In 2023 relatively little vanilla was exported from Madagascar, but exports have picked up in 2024. For 2024/2025, Madagascar is expecting a smaller harvest so price rises are possible.

Jun 26, 2024

Our strategy of buying the pods mostly green and having them processed at the fermentation and drying centres operated by our long-standing spices and vanilla partner PREMIUM SPICES in Mananara has proved its worth: the vanilla that was harvested in Madagascar between July and September 2023 is of exceptionally high quality. The finished Bourbon vanilla that we now have as a fermented and dried product in our warehouse has performed very well in all our analysis processes.

Bourbon grüne Vanille Madagaskar

Larger amounts for export in 2024

In 2023 relatively little vanilla was exported from Madagascar, but exports have picked up in 2024. It looks as if the lower prices have generated higher demand. In the Ambanja region, the Madagascan government has already declared the start of the new harvesting season. In other regions, such as the main one, Sava, the harvest will start at the end of June. This is early compared with previous years, especially in view of the late flowering.


Lower harvests forecast, higher prices

Even though there is still vanilla available in Madagascar from the 2023/2024 harvest, it is said that prices for the new, 2024/2025, harvest will rise. This is mainly because the forecasts for the harvest are poor while demand has picked up again. Madagascar is expecting a small harvest partly because there was not enough money to pay the people who hand-pollinate the plants, and also because the cyclone in March 2024 caused major damage in certain areas. Furthermore, domestic transportation has become more difficult because many roads were destroyed and few boats are available. However, because of our stocks and the option of obtaining further quantities from Madagascar even after the season ends, we are currently able to supply the amounts that are needed.

Access to fresh water and other Fairtrade projects in 2024

At this year’s General Meeting in April, the vanilla cooperatives signed off the Fairtrade projects that had been implemented between spring 2023 and 2024 and identified new projects for the coming season. Among other things, two new wells were built in Androrangavola between spring 2023 and 2024. The office of the COPPVM cooperative was connected to the water supply. Training courses were run to make smallholders aware of the need to protect the water catchment area. A number of zebus were also purchased.

Organic Bourbon vanilla products from PRONATEC

Check out the following links for an overview of our organic vanilla products from PREMIUM SPICES in Madagascar and the processed products in our product range:

  • Organic Bourbon vanilla pods

  • Organic Bourbon vanilla powder

  • Organic Bourbon vanilla extract

  • Organic Bourbon vanilla extrace powder

  • Organic Bourbon vanilla cuts and fine cuts

You can find detailed information about the use of vanilla extracts on the page Trend for vanilla extracts instead of vanilla flavourings.