Prices on the global market for conventional sugar are at a historic high just now and nearly the same as the prices for organic sugar. According to industry experts, these high prices for conventional sugar could be with us for some time to come. So switching to organic could be worthwhile for a number of reasons. Organic sugar, in particular organic raw cane sugar, offers long-term availability and price stability, and is likely to be in line with consumer preferences going forward.
Oct 4, 2023

Organic raw cane sugar offers milk processors and the makers of drinks, chocolate and bakery products the advantage of long-term availability and price stability. Switching would be worthwhile for any customer who is planning for the long term and values sustainable, residue-free products.

Not subject to market fluctuations

Organic raw cane sugar is cultivated and produced in strictly and independently controlled, sustainable conditions. The structures within organic production cooperatives have been built up over the years – and consist of members who are committed to converting their land to organic for the long term. That is good for long-term availability and makes organic raw cane sugar less susceptible to price fluctuations on the global market. Customers benefit from being able to plan for the long term and from being less dependent on global market trends.

Organic sugar: better quality for a small difference in price

In view of the current prices for conventional sugar, organic raw cane sugar offers numerous benefits at an attractive price: no pesticide residues or chemical additives, gentle processing methods and more sustainable farming practices to maintain soil health and protect biodiversity for the long term.

Consumers prefer organic sugar

Organic products continue to enjoy rising demand in most European markets. More and more consumers are willing to pay more for higher quality and more sustainable food. Furthermore, our organic raw cane sugar is traceable right back to the individual cooperative. There is a growing demand for that from many consumers.

Climate protection is an important trend in the sugar industry, too

Does organic sugar protect the climate? It’s a complex question. An independent study conducted by MyClimate came to the conclusion that organic, fair trade raw cane sugar from Paraguay produces around 43% less CO2 than organic beet sugar from Switzerland. We have covered both sides in our news article « Beet sugar versus cane sugar: is more local also more sustainable? »

Ethics and social responsibility

Organic sugar, when combined with a fair trade label, ensures fair working conditions and decent pay for the workers. In the case of fair trade sugar, guaranteed minimum prices are set, with additional fair trade premiums, for example for social projects in the cooperatives. Long-term purchase agreements make for financial security. Fair trade labels also ensure that the entire value chain is free from child labour.

Fair trade sugar: conventional, but fair

With PRONATEC, anyone who decides to continue using conventional sugar has the option of switching to conventional raw cane sugar with a fair trade label. Fair sugar is an engine for social change and brings sustainable investment along the whole supply chain.

More about the leverage of fair trade and how your buying of fair trade products makes a difference.