Our Certificates

As a pioneer in the global organic and fair trade movement, PRONATEC has been producing sustainable food ingredients for over 45 years. We guarantee the purity and safety of our organic products right along the entire supply chain. Our organic cocoa products, sugar, vanilla, spices, chocolates and coatings comply with the strict criteria of a range of international and national regulations and private labels. Our compliance with the requirements is regularly checked by external inspectors.

Our customers can have confidence that we comply with strict food safety standards. To guarantee absolute food safety, PRONATEC AG and PRONATEC Swiss Cocoa Production (PRONATEC PRODUCTION AG) are FSSC 22000-certified.

Products: see certificate
Certification body: ProCert AG, Marktgasse 65 CH-3011 Bern

Bi-Nr. 30408
Products: see certificate
Certification body: bio.inspecta, Ackerstrasse, CH-5070 Frick

Bi-Nr. 30408
Products: see certificate
Certification body: bio.inspecta, Ackerstrasse, CH-5070 Frick

Bi-Nr. 30408
Products: see certificate*
Certification body: bio.inspecta AG, Frick

*Swiss organic regulation SR 910.18 Art. 30a equivalent to EU-Bio-regulation

Bi-Nr. 30408
Products: see certificate
Certification body: bio.inspecta, Ackerstrasse, CH-5070 Frick

FLO ID 1453
Products: see certificate
Certification body: FLO-CERT GmbH, Bonner Talweg 177, D-53129 Bonn

Member number: RA_00030692108
Supply chain certification
Certification body: CERES GmbH, DE-Happurg

The Rainforest Alliance and UTZ have merged in 2018. UTZ is now part of the Rainforest Alliance. The Rainforest Alliance launched its new Certification Program.

Certificate No. 33676
Products: see certificate
Certification body: bio.inspecta, Ackerstrasse, CH-5070 Frick

Certificate No. Fair-10136
Products: see certificate
Certification body: bio.inspecta, Ackerstrasse, CH-5070 Frick

Products: see certificate
certification body: Ecocert SA, F-32600 L’isle Jourdain

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Certification body: Ecocert SA, L’isle Jourdain

Association Biopartenaire
Cocoa products, chocolate & coatings, sugar

ROA ID. 138
Products: see certificate
certification body: Regenerative Organic Alliance, USA-Santa Rosa

FAIR TRADE ID: 1492179
Products: see certificate
Certification body: Bio Control NL-8000 AJ Zwolle

SPP : Int-SUI-19-001
Products: see certificate
Certification body: CERES GmbH, DE-Happurg

Products: see certificate
Certification body: Halal Certification Services, Salinenstrasse 18, CH-4310 Rheinfelden

Products: see certificate
Certification body: Basel Kosher Commission

Impact Label of myclimate: «Wirkt. Nachhaltig»
Climate protection contribution for incurring CO2 emissions towards high-quality climate protection projects.
Foundation myclimate