In 2021, PRONATEC achieved 2 million in fair trade premium payments for the first time. In 2022, we proudly succeeded in topping this record again: Precisely 2,364,735 US dollars were paid out in 2022 to the smallholders – find out more here.
Jan 27, 2023

Thanks to our close relationships with the producers in the countries of origin, we know down to the exact dollar in which countries and projects the fair trade premiums paid by our customers are invested. Here are a few examples for 2022 on the use of fair trade premiums in the smallholder cooperatives that cultivate our products. Each cooperative decides individually and according to democratic principles how to use their money from the premiums.

As we have been collaborating for many years with most of these smallholder cooperatives, the fair trade premiums have funded valuable projects for further development and improvement of the living conditions, year after year.

Together with our customers, we are delighted to be able to make a contribution to valuable projects in the producer countries. In our eyes, organic cultivation and fair trade are the perfect partners.

What is the effect of the fair trade premiums on the cocoa smallholders?

In 2022, cocoa producers from the Dominican Republic, Peru and Panama invested their fair trade premiums in the following projects, among others:

  • Construction of a chapel

  • Maintenance and repair of several kilometres of road (delivery of cocoa to the collection point
    Link here to the short video of smallholder Bolivar Liriano (in English)
  • Construction of a community building with a storehouse

  • Funding of doctor’s visits, medication

  • Distribution of gift baskets to members living below the poverty line

  • Establishment of organic gardens, educational awareness campaigns, socio-cultural activities involving the families

  • Workshop on biological pest control and use of organic fertilisers

  • Involvement of female cooperative leaders

  • Small restaurant project as a service to members and to provide additional income for members

  • Support for families after the passing away of members

What is the effect of the fair trade premiums on the sugar smallholders?

In 2022, cane sugar farmers from Paraguay, Costa Rica and Mozambique invested their fair trade premiums in the following projects, among others:

  • Construction of schools

  • Construction of medical treatment centres

  • Procurement of a tractor for shared use

  • Financial and mechanical support of smallholder businesses in their daily agricultural work

  • Covid-19 support

What is the effect of the fair trade premiums on the vanilla and spices farmers?

In 2022, the vanilla and spices farmers in Madagascar used their fair trade premiums for the following projects, among others:

  • Raising awareness about the protection of the water catchment area

  • Construction of houses

  • Spades and harvesting knives

  • Water supply and electricity

  • Financial support for poverty-stricken families and pensioners

  • Motorcycle, humped cattle

  • Covid-19 support

  • Seedlings for reforestation and cinnamon seeds

  • “Rom-patsa”, the traditional Madagascan gift for new mothers after the birth of their child.

Click here to find out more about the premiums, minimum prices, traceability and mass balance in fair trade.

Would you like to obtain fair trade certification for your products? Then contact us, we’d be happy to discuss all of the options and possible certificates with you